
Fairtrade News

St Mary's Church in Pulborough recently prepared this wonderful, colourful display all about Fairtrade!

Nestle have terrible news for farmers- they intend to stop using Fairtrade Cocoa and Sugar in KitKat bars - please click here for information from the Fairtrade website


Pulborough United Reformed Church is at the heart of the Fair Trade movement in Pulborough and was very instrumental in helping Pulborough to achieve its 'Fair Trade Village' status.


Fairtrade guarantees producers in the developing world a price for their goods that covers the cost of production and also includes a premium, which is invested in the local community. This means that farmers have a fair and regular income, allowing them to plan ahead, save and invest in projects, equipment, housing, education, healthcare, etc.

Fairtrade is simply a fair and decent way of trading where nobody is taken advantage of for the sake of profit.


What is the FAIRTRADE mark?

The Fairtrade mark is a certification label awarded in the UK by the Fairtrade Foundation to products sourced from the developing world that meet internationally recognised standards of fair trade.


Over 4000 products currently carry the Fairtrade mark. Here are some that are available locally: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, sugar, fruit juices, snacks, rice, pasta, wine, roses.